30 Tips to Save money and be practical

Today, we share some money saving tips, divided into several aspects, you can correspond one by one, to find the money saving tips you want.

It’s easier to spend money than to earn it. It’s all the little things you can do in life.

1. Divide things into what you need and what you want.

Goods needed in life can be placed directly.

Think about the goods you want, and try to put off satisfying yourself. When you achieve something, use it as a reward.

2. Categorize items as urgent and dispensable.

If you’re cooking at home and you’re running out of ingredients, it’s an emergency. If you’re running out of groceries, toothpaste, tissues, those are also emergencies.

When you want to buy some decorations, they are really optional. johnny loves rosie discount code? It’s also optional when you want to buy some nice looking plates. This is also optional when you want to buy some tourist souvenirs.

All of them have bought something similar to the above and either looked at it for a while and then put it away or never opened it. On second thought, it shouldn’t have been spent in the first place.

3. Do not buy similar items repeatedly. This is like clothes, do not buy a duplicate model, there is no need. I’ve bought duplicate items, a couple of chess boxes, but I don’t need that much.

4. Don’t pay for freebies.

This point depends on the individual, sometimes if the goods you buy have not reached the boundary of the purchase of goods, the activity is to buy the full 120 to buy ××, you only bought dozens, don’t force, otherwise you will buy a lot of unnecessary goods. They either don’t use them all or they sit around.

5, stock up to the right amount.

For some other reason, we want to fill our refrigerators with more stuff, but we want to do it in moderation and try not to waste it. A lot of times, we buy a lot of things, but we don’t eat them all, or we don’t use them for a long time, and they end up being put away.

6. Don’t stock up on skincare.

It’s okay to stock up on some daily necessities for yourself, but don’t stock up on skincare products and cosmetics. Buy them when they’re empty. I had opened a few bottles at a time, but some of them were useless and wasted.

7. Don’t stock up on lipstick.

This is singled out because it’s really easy to buy multiple lipsticks. Life, work, different styles, different colors, 2-6 is enough, more than a dozen count more, dozens of branches can not be used, hundreds of branches is not the life of ordinary people.

8. Don’t buy a bunch of phone cases.

The cost of cell phone cases is also small, but there is no need to buy a lot of them at once. Before met a day to change a phone case of friends, may also be a hobby.

9, to learn to properly preserve, maintenance.

Every year only need to use a season of items, they should learn to save, do not buy a year, try to do several years can be used. If you buy it once a year, you’re overpaying.

10. Shop around.

In fact, this is also a direction of shopping, but many times because of the trouble to skip this step, later see the low price of the item and think that they bought more expensive.

When shopping, as long as it is not very urgent, can do a comparison, some of the price difference is quite large.

11. Learn to “substitute” your shopping.

I’m still trying to figure this out, but sometimes you can save money, think about your needs, and try to get the best item for the least amount of money.

When you want to buy something, you swap it out appropriately. For example, if you want to buy a cosmetic organizer, you can replace it with other things that you can put things in, like a pen holder, a pen case, and you will see the price come down. When you buy hundreds of things and find dozens to replace, you’re already saving money.

12. When shopping online, give yourself a cooling-off period.

Impulse consumption should not be allowed. For example, at night, when you are angry, you can’t stop shopping at this time. At these times, try not to open the shopping platform.

When you see an item you like, put it in your cart and then look at it again. Give yourself no less than a 24 hour cooling-off period.

In life:
13, go out with a thermos cup, water cup, can also reduce their own outside to buy bottled water, drink probability.

14, go out not easily: the second cup half price, buy one get one free, buy two get one free, buy full how many gifts such promotional activities attract. Pay for needs, not for other people’s activities.

There was a period of time when going out is always easy to be attracted by these activities, also spent a lot of money, behind the slow reaction.

15. Drink less milk tea. I really drank for a long time before, the cost is not small, milk tea, dessert this kind of thing, generally you should refrain, and when others call you a starting single to refuse.

16. Go to the barber shop less.

This point to see the individual ha, you can try to take care of your hair, also very convenient, so tried, the feasibility is very high.

17, library books, get a library card, borrow home to read, or electronic reading.

18. Don’t ignore small money. Unused items at home can be sold on second-hand platforms.

19. Don’t compare yourself to your friends and colleagues.

This point I do not know if you have experienced, when you are simply because you see: others have, and to place an order, easy to become: money spent, but still not much happy situation.

20. Take fewer taxis. Walk or take the subway home after work. If it’s not too far away, take a few extra steps for exercise.

21, there is a job situation, don’t think of naked resignation, it is very difficult.

A stable income is the foundation for saving money. Quitting, changing jobs, and changing careers are all things that need to be considered.

22, learn to refuse some money appropriately.

This point is really deep feeling, sometimes, just entered the company, did not see a few colleagues, looking for you. For a long time did not contact the colleagues, classmates to find you affiliated, did not contact before, after also did not contact. These can be appropriately declined, really unnecessary, and add up to a gift fee is not low.

Friends of the money is not included in it, with the gift of their own do not go to save, to shrink.

23. Learn to cook for yourself and order less take-out. Over the course of a month, you can also save a considerable amount of money.

24. Take good care of your teeth. Brushing your teeth in the morning and evening for at least three minutes at a time is costly. I know firsthand that the cost of dental fillings and braces is very high.

25, more exercise, improve the body’s immunity, less illness, is the biggest money saving.

26, go to bed early and get up early. Early to bed and early to rise good health, is no matter how much skin care products have no effect, is also the most money saving behavior.

27. Set a budget for yourself at the beginning or end of each month. Don’t overspend.

28. Learn to keep books.

It is a good habit to keep track of your household expenses and income so that your total income is greater than your total expenses. Also, at the end of the month, you can see what unnecessary expenses you have and reduce them the next month.

29. Look at your bills every month.

Figure out what you and your family are spending on, what specific things you spend the most money on each month, food, shopping, whatever, and try to control your spending in those areas.

30. Get started.

The best way to change your situation is to take action. See very good habits, tips, tips, not only to save down also need to act.

Saving money is an attitude to life, but one thing to remember is not to save money that you do not save.

Their usual three meals a day do not save, save this money, in the future is to double back. Don’t go to the usual breakfast to save money, save this money, the body will suffer, this is to save a little money to spend a lot of money.

When you are not comfortable, the hospital should go to the hospital in time to check, do not drag a small problem into a big problem.

Children can’t save money for studying and studying. Let them grow, don’t miss the opportunity to learn, that’s the way to make them progress, to make them better in the future.

If you are an ordinary person who has no support from home and no elders to rely on, then make a good plan to save more and spend less. Financial freedom is possible only through long-term persistence.

Saving money, saving money, saving money is a kind of attitude to life, every day to save a little, month, year by year, is also a good deposit.

Make more money and improve your earning power. If you don’t work hard to make money, you have to worry about saving money.

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