What’s the Most Secure Way to Store EAFC Coins?

EAFC coins should be stored safely in order to avoid the risk of theft or loss. The first thing you need to do is set up 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) on your gaming account. According to a report from Cybersecurity Ventures, 2FA cuts your chances of getting hacked by up to 80% when compared with using only passwords. 2FA adds an extra security layer providing even further protection from hackers by asking for a second code besides your password, this is usually receive via mobile devices.

Finally, using a complex and unique password for your gaming account. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), your password should be more than 12 characters long containing a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. According to research, passwords that are less than 8 characters can be cracked within an hour, and length over complexity is important. To avoid this, a password manager can generate and save complex passwords to keep your account safe.

Transacting with EAFC coins using their public wifi carried tons of risk and must be avoided, clearly. Man-in-the-middle attacks, making the information open to probable hackers on public networks. Per a cybersecurity report by Norton, Approximately 25% of cyberattacks are at public Wi-Fi networks You may use a virtual private network (VPN) to protect your internet connection and secure all EAFC coin that you believe are too personal in nature or otherwise need enhanced privacy for.

It is important to save your cryptos in reliable platforms. Always use official in-game storage systems and never trust a third party that offers you coin storage or management services. Numerous kinds of fraud will engage a player to send his coins on hazardous platform without any trace and for no other purpose than immediate loss. The FTC 2021 Online Gaming Scams report cited that attempts to deplete digital money through phishing rose 35% over the previous year, a grim reminder of the dangers posed by unverified platforms.

Checking your account activity from time to time works real good in keeping your EAFC coins safe as well. Get notified for transactions and account changes so that you can identify any unauthorized access. Research from the Online Fraud Prevention Report shows that users who check their accounts immediately — in other words, real-time monitoring — cut sustained fraud rates in half.

EA Sports also reminds the players to avoid third-party coin trading. Even though these are paid services, they are against the TOS and can even lead to account bans/suspensions. This shows how risky these activities are, as EA banned more than 30,000 accounts for coin trading and other in-game currency violations in 2020.

Another focus of attention is to keep your gaming software updated, which can be an easy way to avoid losing those coins. Equally, developers regularly put out security patches to address vulnerabilities that hackers could take advantage of. According to a study by the Ponemon Institute, 60% of data breaches were the result of unpatched software, which begs for more frequent patches from the list of best IT practices.

To summarize, the safest way to store coins is a mixture of two-factor authentication, complex passwords, staying away from untrusted networks and resources, proper storage best practices with official wallets and following your account carefully with genuine trading platforms. By following these best practice guidelines, you will minimize the risk of losing your coins to unauthorized access or scams.

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