What Does an Employee Touch Base Template Include?

What Does an Employee Touch Base Template Include?

Purpose of the Touch Base Meeting

Start by stating the purpose of the meeting. Be specific and outline why it’s essential to have a regular check-in. It might be to discuss project updates, performance feedback, or simply to maintain an ongoing dialogue. A statement like “This touch base is to discuss your progress on Project X and align on goals for next quarter” helps set expectations.

What Does an Employee Touch Base Template Include?
What Does an Employee Touch Base Template Include?

Date, Time, and Location Details

Provide details on the date, time, and location (or virtual meeting link). If this is a recurring meeting, specify that and ensure it’s consistent in timing. For instance, “Our next touch base is scheduled for Friday at 2 p.m. in the conference room.”

Agenda Items

Create a clear agenda of topics you want to cover. Some examples include:

  1. Project Progress: Updates on tasks or milestones and addressing obstacles
  2. Performance Review: Feedback on recent work, celebrating successes and identifying improvement areas
  3. Upcoming Priorities: New projects, deadlines, and resource needs
  4. Career Development: Identifying training opportunities or leadership roles
  5. Employee Input: Encouraging employees to share their challenges or ideas

Follow-Up Questions

Ask specific follow-up questions to promote an open dialogue. For example:

  • “What are the most significant challenges you’ve faced on this project?”
  • “Is there anything I can do to better support you?”
  • “What career goals should we prioritize this quarter?”

Action Items and Next Steps

Conclude by summarizing action items and assigning ownership. Clarify expectations for both parties with a simple checklist. For instance:

  1. You: Finish project report by the end of the week
  2. Manager: Provide access to training resources for new software

Express Support and Appreciation

Show your support for the employee’s growth and express gratitude for their time. Reinforce the positive aspects of their work and encourage their continued success.

Get more details on an employee touch base template to make these meetings impactful and supportive.

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